Is Store-Bought Water Better Than Tap Water?


There’s no doubt that most people believe that store-bought water is better than tap water. Packaging can be deceitful but is one really superior to the other?

When it comes to your health, it’s better to know what exactly is in the water you are drinking.

So, is there any difference between the two? Let’s have a look.


One of the major differences between store-bought water and tap water is that store-bought water has been put through a water filtration system.

Much of the demand for bottled water can be attributed to misleading advertising that portrays the product as safer or healthier than other options. In reality, there’s no reason to believe that store-bought water is any better than what comes out of your kitchen faucet.

In fact, some store-bought water may have more contaminants in it than local tap water. It isn’t easy to keep up with the treatment because the regulations are less stringent than tap water.

Tap water is treated with fluoride by respective municipalities before distributing it for public consumption. It also contains chlorine, which kills bacteria and other pathogens that could cause illness.

In cases where the water has not been treated, it could be harmful for consumption, so it is essential to treat your water by boiling or other methods for extra safety.


There’s no question that bottled water is a popular product. Bottled water is packaged in three containers: plastic bottles, glass bottles, and boxes. Of these, plastic bottles are by far the most common.

It takes money to produce these bottles, treating the water and packaging, making store-bought water more expensive.

Tap water is inexpensive. In most places, tap water is delivered by the same pipes and equipment as bottled water. So, in essence, you’re paying a premium price for the same water.

It’s also convenient. You can fill up a reusable container at home or work and get a safe, clean drink of water whenever you want for free.

You have to make arrangements with the delivery company for bottled water every time you run out, making it quite the hassle to get drinking water.

Chemical substances

Bottled water is sold as a healthier, more convenient alternative to tap. However, research points out that it may contain microplastics and other harmful substances. 

In some cases, store-bought water has more chemicals than tap water. This is because some chemicals are added to enhance its taste. With tap water, the government makes sure there are no chemicals or additives that could potentially harm your health.

Both types of drinking water must be safe to drink and should not contain contaminants. However, because bottled water and tap water can come from different sources and be treated differently, there may be a slight difference in quality.


Tap water is more strictly regulated than bottled water. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates tap water, and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) oversees bottled water.

The FDA regulations are less stringent, so when drinking store-bought water, there is a possibility you could be drinking water that is full of contaminants that are just well packaged.

Bottom Line

Ultimately, the right choice is between you and your wallet. You probably won’t get sick from tap water, but buying store-bought water might be a sound financial decision if money is not tight.

Remember that while water from a drinking water delivery service Erie will benefit your health and appearance, it’s not good for the environment. Tap water may also not be completely safe so add another layer of protection by boiling it.

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